Sunday, 16 January 2011

2000+ Game History

2000+  Game History
Producing and developing a video game is not the same as it was in 1982 compared to 2010.
The amount of staff required is continuously increasing. The equipment, resources, software and hardware are all becoming more expensive, as expectations from customers and publishers grow over the years. The competition within the gaming industry has become more and more fierce as each company is aiming to do better than the existing consoles and games readily available.  
The effect of what gets published game content wise, depends on what the publishing companies think will sell, based on the current publics interests.
Movies, comics and TV shows seem to over-ride new game concept ideas as they are ever-increasing in demand, leaving game companies working more on rebuilds of Barbie and Shrek.
Budgets consist of two main areas:
Development Costs
·          Voice Acting
·         Employee Salaries
·         Equipment/Hardware/Software
·         Music/Audio/Orchestra
Marketing and Promotion costs
·         TV Adverts
·         Print advertisements In shops on buses/billboards, in magazines, the game packaging
·         Events and launch parties
The companies within the gaming industry have begun outsourcing staff from foreign countries that freelance to fill in gaps to mass produce assets that need creating.
This is a cheaper method of time-crunching and meeting deadlines, keeping salaried full-time employees to a minimum.
Cross –Platform gaming
Releasing game titles across the multiple console market was a way for game publishers to make back their money.
This was done by contracting programmers to make ports to all major platforms:  PS3, Xbox360 and Wii, gaining a wider audience of potential buyers.
There are a minor percentage of companies who are successfully established that will stay exclusively on one console. This can boost console selling ratings depending on the quality of the game.
Are you Casual or Hardcore?
First of all.. What is casual and hardcore gaming?
People generically attach a casual/hardcore gamer label according to the type of game they play and how long they play it.
The debate about casual and hardcore gamers has really affected the productivity in consoles and video games made in the 2000+ era in the game Industry.
Sony and Microsoft’s video game genre mainly cater to hardcore gamers. Nintendo have always captured the casual gaming niche.
The latest console Wii, and handheld Dsi in particular held the majority of the non-gaming population, breaking barriers of older aged/younger aged male and female.
This was achieved by making more interactive family games like Wii Sport and researching younger children’s interests and designing games for them like Barbie.

The gaming industry bases itself upon major competition between not only console rivalry but game companies producing video games.
The employees are faced with high pressure to produce extraordinary, high detail, playable content, which surpasses existing competitor creations. However, the company expects efficiency and effectively to accommodate their deadlines within the budget.
It is becoming continuously challenging with ever-growing game engines, software and console technology, to produce higher poly, better quality environments, characters and game play.
As the price of producing video games is rapidly increasing with no major profits seeping from it, it is ever more difficult for potential future game industry employees to break into the industry, but with great determination and practice anything is possible.
In the future, it is highly likely for video games to compete with 3D Cinemas in developing 3D video games. The ever growing technology being made for movies will eventually follow in video games.


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